Capital Planning
HousingU Pathway: Asset Management

Capital Planning 100 | Spring (June) 2025

June 15 to September 8, 2025

Capital Planning 100 is an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of capital planning. This entry-level course is well suited to those who are new to the field of asset management, or those who are taking on a new role in their organization that includes looking after building systems.

Participants will learn what a capital plan is, why it’s important, and how to create one. It will equip you with a strong understanding of the terminology you’ll encounter as you move through the capital planning process.

  • Online, self-directed course
  • Participants have up to 12 weeks to complete
  • This course is part of the Capital Planning Program



June 15 to September 8, 2025



Member Cost:


Registration Start/End Date:

Registration open April 3 to July 7. Refer to the registration details section below before registering.

Topics include:

Introduction to Capital Planning Fundamentals | The Building Condition Assessment | Liabilities vs. Replacement Costs | Project Costing | Funding a Capital Plan | Financial Reserves | Updating a Capital Plan | Final Assignment and Thoughts

What you’ll learn

This course covers the fundamentals of capital planning and the need for a Building Condition Assessment. Learn how to schedule maintenance and repairs, and incorporate those plans into the budgeting process so your organization is prepared to fund ongoing maintenance and replacement projects. Participants will have a strong foundation for moving on to apply the principles of capital planning to their own building(s), which is explored in Capital Planning 101.

Time commitment

Course contains approximately 20 hours of material to review and activities to complete. You will have up to 12 weeks to complete this course within the start and end dates. You can progress through the course at your own pace. You can log in to review the material, take the quizzes, participate in the forum discussions and complete the final assignment when it is convenient for you. Having said that, we do encourage you to stick to the posted weekly schedule so that most participants will be working on the same topic at roughly the same time.


This is an entry-level course and no prior knowledge of capital planning is necessary. As an online course, participants must have basic computer skills, access to a computer with internet access and a modern, safe browser. We recommend Chrome, but any updated browser will work. This course is provided in English and requires reading and writing at a Grade 8 level. It is not mandatory that participants complete CP 100 before registering for CP 101. CP 100 and CP 101 may be taken in any order, and/or simultaneously depending on the participants’ capacity.

Registration Details

To register, click on the button above to login to our secure Registration site.

Note: All HousingU courses are single-user registration only as our learning management system requires a unique email address for each participant. This means that you will not be able to enroll another person(s) on your behalf as each participant is required to set up their own BCNPHA account, register individually and use their own email in order to receive their unique login details and course access.

For step-by-step registration instructions (PDF) and/or cancellation policy, check out the Course Registration Information page.

Registrants will receive course access instructions from learn@bcnpha.ca prior to the course start date.

Need help?

This course is funded by BC Housing and is free for all non-profit housing providers in BC, including BCNPHA members and non-members.

For more information about course content, contact Brian Jung, brian@bcnpha.ca