Topics include
Introduction to Governance | Key Elements of Societies | Board Governance Models | Board Member Roles and Responsibilities | Building Relationships | Board Structure and Operating Procedures | Board Conduct and Relationships | Board Composition, Recruitment and Retention | Board Development and Evaluation
What you’ll learn
Our Board Governance course has been designed to meet the learning needs of those new or aspiring to non-profit governance and for those with experience and wanting a refresher. Participants who successfully complete this course will be armed with all the knowledge and tools needed to effectively govern an affordable housing society.
This course explores non-profit housing society frameworks and welcomes all non-profit organizations, including those outside the non-profit housing sector.
Time commitment
This course includes approximately 32 hours of content. It is recommended that you commit to studying for 3-4 hours a week in order to be done in 8 weeks; however, you have up to 3 months to complete within the course start and end dates. This course is primarily self-directed, meaning you can progress at your own pace, log in to do assignments, and participate in forum discussions whenever when it’s convenient for you. Having said that, we do encourage you to stick to the posted weekly schedule so that most participants will be working on the same topic at roughly the same time.
You will also be engaging in a 15-min. 1:1 call with the facilitator, plus a 1.5-hour Zoom group exercise for even deeper learning opportunities!
As an online course participants must have basic computer skills and have access to a computer with MS Office 2010 or later and a modern, safe browser. We recommend Chrome, however any updated browser will work. Templates used in this course may require MS Excel, MS Word or a .pdf reader. This course is provided in English and requires reading and writing at a grade 10 level.