CMHC-SSHRC Collaborative Housing Research Network
Community housing partners can apply for grants of up to $10,000 for research. Funding for Community-focused Projects is intended for limited-scale, local projects that address immediate research priorities of Community Partners within the BSH Node’s Thematic Areas. Community-focused projects must identify which Thematic Area they are submitted. Ideally these projects will have an immediate impact on their community, and will provide a mechanism for the immediate release of research data and findings. The projects have to broadly align with two thematic areas:
- Reshaping Financialization of Housing – Rethinking the policies and practices that have encouraged the financialization of housing, and pushed the cost to buy or rent a home out of reach for so many Canadians.
- Innovating in Responsive Land Practices – Reimagining the role of housing, zoning and land use practices, the development of tenure neutral policies, indigenous-led housing and decarbonizing the housing system, in building the civic commons.
There is also the possibility to partner with academic partners for larger grants. The deadline for submission is 15 November 2020 at 11:59pm PST. Proposals are to be submitted in the Application Form accompanying these guidelines to Craig Jones, BSH Node Coordinator:
Please view the following documents to learn more: