As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to negatively impact household income and employment, some tenants are experiencing challenges with paying their rent on time. In order to provide support to those affected, Grant Haddock and Company Lawyers has prepared a Rent Deferral Agreement Template that can be used by tenants and landlords in BC who have a rental agreement under the Residential Tenancy Act.
The template is designed to help facilitate flexible agreements between landlords and tenants to defer full or partial rent payments for a defined period of time. Please note that this template does not apply to tenants who receive subsidy to live in their unit, either through a rent geared-to-income (RGI) arrangement, or where the tenant receives a rent supplement such as BC Housing’s Rental Assistance Program (RAP) or shelter aid for elderly residents (SAFER).
Please note that rent deferral does not mean rent forgiveness. Rent is expected to be repaid to the landlord after the tenant has regained their ability to pay, as set out in the payment schedule in the template. It is also the responsibility of the tenant to inform the landlord when their ability to pay has been restored and failure to due so will result in a material breach of the agreement.
Download the form here.