Blog & Announcements

FortisBC is pleased to introduce two new offers for income-qualified customers!

Who is it for?

The offers will be available to customers who meet the income threshold requirements and replace their existing natural gas furnace or water heater with a new, high efficiency natural gas appliance. Customers will need to have an active gas account with FortisBC.

Income Requirements:


 How is it different from the $2000 ECAP Furnace & Boiler Program?

  • Individuals and social housing providers do not have to participate in ECAP as a requirement to applying to the new offers. However, we do want to encourage ECAP where ever appropriate.
    • Benefits of ECAP: There are still many measures that are included in ECAP that is not available outside of ECAP including free furnaces with a very high standard of installation, insulation, fridges, blower-door led draftproofing, carbon monoxide detectors, programmable thermostats, etc.
    • As well, whenever furnaces or attic insulation is installed in ECAP, the customer also receives new ventilation (bathroom fans) which enhances customer safety
  • Water heaters were not part of the ECAP offer but the new offers now include them.
  • The rebate amount for the highest efficiency furnaces (97%+ AFUE) is $3000 and this was not previously an option under the ECAP offer.

 What happens if a housing provider has already submitted a $2000 ECAP Furnace & Boiler Program application?

FortisBC will work with the applicant to ensure they receive the correct rebate amount for the model that they installed.

Furnace Rebate Details

Upgrade Rebate Requirements
95 to 96.9 per cent annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) furnace $2,000 Eligible furnace from directory available on the webpage

≤ 80,000 btuh

97 to 99 per cent AFUE furnace $3,000* Eligible furnace from directory available on the webpage

≤ 80,000 btuh

94 per cent or higher AFUE boiler $2,000 Eligible boiler from directory available on the webpage

≤ 80,000 btuh

Water Heater Details

Upgrade Rebate Requirements
0.67 Storage Tank $500* Eligible water heater from directory available on the webpage

Energy Factor (EF) of 0.67 to 0.70

Condensing Storage Tank $2,500* Eligible water heater from directory available on the webpage
Condensing Tankless $2,500* Eligible water heater from directory available on the webpage
 *This incentive is funded by FortisBC, the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada

 Customer application requirements:

  • Must install eligible model from
    • Note: Income Qualified Space Heating rebates are only available for eligible furnaces/boilers 80,000 btu or smaller. If you have a special situation, such as a group home, these will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Must use Technical Safety BC licenced contractor
  • Must provide installation permit number
  • Must provide contractor invoices

Contractor requirements (Contractor Spiff: $100)

  • Must provide photo of two pipe system
  • Must complete commissioning sheet

 Who should social housing providers contact if they are interested in participating? and

Contact FortisBC’s Key Account Manager, Chris Alionis at: 604-592-7985 or

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