OLE Pathway: Operations
Online Learning Events

Hoarding: Impacts on Non-Profit Housing Providers

Hoarding is a complex and challenging psychological disorder that may lead to negative consequences for both the individual and the community. This 90-minute webinar provides information about using harm reduction principles to help tenants with hoarding behaviour. You will learn how to talk to and generate internal motivation in people who hoard, and how to establish intervention targets. In this webinar, the presenters will:

  • Discuss what hoarding is and why it persists
  • Understand the potential public safety hazards, including fire risk and pests
  • List available assessment tools
  • Discuss how tenant support workers can help
  • Discuss harm reduction strategies and establish intervention targets
  • Discuss how one social enterprise is helping to address hoarding issues, resulting in safer, pest-free suites



April 11, 2019


10:00 am - 11:30 am



Member Cost:


Who should attend

Front-line support staff/building managers and operators of non-profit housing, as well as well as anyone responsible for setting and/or administering building policies.

Why you should attend

To expand your knowledge of hoarding, and to learn how to better support residents who have difficulty discarding.

What you will learn

  •  Understand how harm reduction can be used to help tenants with hoarding
  •  Learn how to use a clean-out intervention compassionately
  •  Know where to access helpful resources for hoarding


Kate Kysow holds a master’s degree in the UBC Clinical Psychology program. She is also a research assistant for the Vancouver-based Hoarding Action Response Team (HART). Her research focuses on hoarding case complexity from the perspective of community-based interventions.

Dylan Goggs is a social entrepreneur and works closely with non profit housing sector, and businesses. In 2010 he launched his first social venture. He is the founder of Simpson Society, CleanStart BC, and Escape to Nature. He is passionate about finding creative solutions for social employment.