March 20, 2025
Arcori User Group – March 2025
The Arcori User Group is an online meet-up to discuss and share experiences as users of ARCORI software. Open to current Arcori Users only.
RegisterThe BC Care Providers Association alongside the BC Non-Profit Housing Association present the current FortisBC and BC Hydro rebate programs with a focus on the Healthcare sector. There have been significant increases in the rebate dollar amounts as well as the addition of programs offers that we feel our members should know. Join Energy Specialists Jesse Gadzinowski and Jackie Kanyuk as they cover technologies such as boilers, water heaters, commercial kitchen equipment, make-up air (MUA) units, controls, pipe and tank insulation, lighting, heat pumps, etc. It will also cover different utility program offers like the Continuous Optimization Program, Rental Assistance Program, and Social Housing Retrofit Support Program.
October 6, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Member Cost:
BC Care Providers Association and BC Non-Profit Housing Association
By the end of this session, participants will be able to: