OLE Pathway: Operations
Online Learning Events
OLE Pathway: Asset Management

Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke: Essential Tools for Preparation and Protection

April 28, 2022

Session Sponsored By:

After the summer of 2021, in which a record number of people in BC died from heat-related illness, and many more from poor air quality, housing providers are recognizing the need for reliable systems to ensure the health and wellbeing of tenants and staff during these events. Hear from health officials and housing providers on how you can prepare for and protect tenants from the dangers of extreme heat and wildfire smoke.

Who should attend:

Non-Profit Housing Providers, Service Providers, Anyone concerned with extreme heat and wildfire smoke

What you will learn

  • identify who is the most vulnerable to extreme heat and wildfire smoke related illness and impacts
  • the best strategies to mitigate risks of extreme heat and wildfire smoke
  • tools and resources available to non-profit housing providers
  • how to develop an extreme heat and wildfire smoke emergency response plan


  • Dr. Michael Schwandt, Medical Health Officer at Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Luanne Ruotsalainen, Executive Director – Dakelh and Quesnel Community Housing Society
  • Patti MacAhonic, Executive Director – Ann Travis Transition Society
  • Marty Jones, Director of Housing & Hiring Manager – Surrey Urban Mission
  • Magda Szapala, Sustainability & Resiliency Director – BC Housing



April 28, 2022


1:00pm - 2:30pm



Member Cost:
