OLE Pathway: General
Online Learning Events

CMHC Affordable Housing Solutions

Session Sponsored By:

This session will provide an overview of the National Co-Investment Fund specifically in regards to the Repair and Renewal stream.

Who should attend:

Non-Profit Housing Providers, Developers, Builders, Leadership

What you will learn:

At the end of this session, participants will have an understanding of the eligibility requirements for the NHS’ National Housing Co-Investment Fund – Repair & Renewal stream


Marcia Jean-Baptiste, Account Representative
Marcia is part of the Outreach and Project Development team at CMHC. She began her career with CMHC in 2005, and over the years has worked with several sectors within the Corporation, including Insurance and Affordable Housing. In her current role, Marcia shares relevant information on the National Housing Strategy, along with other Affordable Housing Solutions in order to contribute to CMHC’s aspiration that by 2030, every Canadian will have a home that they can afford and that meets their needs.



April 12, 2022


10:00am - 10:30am



Member Cost:
