Greg Bowman and Michael Williams, CityNews, April 19, 2022 (With comments from BCNPHA Policy Director Marika Albert)
A decision is being celebrated by housing advocates across the province, as Victoria city council passed a motion last week allowing non-profit and co-op organizations to fast track the building of affordable housing.
The plan essentially scraps the rezoning application process which includes a public hearing for new affordable housing developments. The motion – which was passed on April 14 – was unanimously supported.
“It’s a very simple change to the existing process that has the potential to have a huge impact,” said Thom Armstrong, CEO of the Co-operative housing Federation of BC.
Armstrong adds the change could speed up the development of affordable housing by up to a year, which also saves money. Victoria is the first city in the province to pass a motion like this, and he says other cities in the province should consider matching these moves made in Victoria, as they are essential in getting more affordable housing.