Blog & Announcements

Call for Proposals Now Open – Help Us Deliver Our 2019 Housing Central Conference!


Submit your education session proposal by March 15

Thank you for making 2018 our most successful Housing Central Conference to date! With more than 1,500 delegates, 120-plus education sessions and an outstanding line-up of keynote speakers, we’re now the largest affordable housing conference in Canada. A big part of our success has a lot to do with you. Your conference proposals are how we build a roster of education sessions that are current, relevant and speak to the needs and issues you’re facing now.

About the Sessions
BCNPHA is seeking proposals from individuals and organizations interested in presenting one or more education sessions at the 2019 Housing Central Conference in November. Sessions aim to:

  1. Deliver education to social housing providers;
  2. Facilitate engaging, thought-provoking dialogue on emerging issues in affordable housing; and,
  3. Facilitate partnership development within and across sectors to ensure everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.

Education sessions should be well structured, have clearly defined learning objectives and provide an opportunity for delegates to interact.

About our Speakers and Presenters
Many presenters work in our sector and are sharing expertise they have gained through hands on experience and/or research. Other presenters are brought in to share their expertise from other fields. We encourage session proposals from across a range of sectors, including non-profits, government, academia and the private sector.

Speakers are compensated for their time through complimentary registration for the day they are presenting. In specific cases where a speaker must travel a great distance and is bringing a unique perspective that will be of significant value to the conference, BCNPHA may be able to cover fees such as travel and accommodation.

About our Delegates
As the must-attend conference on housing affordability, homelessness, Indigenous housing and more, the event attracts a range of housing providers, academics, private sector representatives, government officials and staff, each of which are looking to form relationships and further develop themselves professionally.

Housing provider delegates represent the broad continuum of affordable housing, from small to large, urban and rural, from supportive to independent housing; some are new to their positions, and others have been involved for many years. We also draw people working on issues related to homelessness and service providers who engage with tenants in non-profit housing, and we always welcome the lived experience perspective. We encourage a broad range of proposals to ensure we meet the needs of all delegates.

About the Call for Proposals
We are inviting interested parties to submit proposals for high-quality sessions that meet the needs of our diverse audience. Please submit the online proposal form by Friday, March 15, 2019, (6 pm PST)

Submit 2019 Call for Proposal
Questions? Contact Kate Nielsen, Education Lead, at 778.945.2156 or 1.800.494.8859 ext. 2156 or email or

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