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BC’s Immunization Plan Rollout

B.C.’s immunization plan, released on March 1st, provides details on how the COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed to different populations throughout the province.

As we move into Phase 2 of the plan, the goal is to continue vaccinating vulnerable groups. Beginning this month that will include seniors aged 80+, residents of independent living and supportive housing, and Indigenous Peoples aged 65+.

Individuals living or working in independent living centres and seniors’ supportive housing will be contacted by their health authority to book immunization appointments.

Beginning on March 8, seniors aged 80+ and Indigenous Peoples aged 65+ who are not living in independent or supportive housing centres can book an appointment (in staggered groups) through their health authority.

Phase 2 also includes immunizing other priority groups, many of whom have already received their first dose. These groups include Indigenous communities, and vulnerable populations living and working in select congregate settings.

Phase 3 of the immunization plan is set to begin in mid-April with individuals aged 79 to 60 years old, as well as people aged 16+ who are “extremely clinically vulnerable.”

BCNPHA will be working with the Province of BC to share relevant information to non-profit housing providers as we receive the information.

Read the full news release and backgrounder here.

For the latest information, please visit the following Province of BC websites:

To learn about B.C.’s COVID-19 Immunization Plan and the Phase 2 rollout, click here.

More general info on the Plan can be found here.

For the presentation deck on the Phase 2 immunization rollout, click here.

For technical immunization information, visit the BCCDC.

For more information on what to expect when you go to get vaccinated for COVID-19, click here.

Please visit the the B.C. COVID-19 Immunization Plan website for real-time updates.

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