Blog & Announcements

Announcing a New Course: Welcome to the Housing Sector!

The non-profit housing sector is a dynamic and rewarding field to work in, with a wide range of career paths to pursue your professional goals. And with the sector expanding throughout the province, there are a host of new job opportunities to explore.

To support people beginning their housing sector careers, we’ve created the Welcome to the Housing Sector! course. Participants will learn more about the non-profit housing sector and the work we do, including:

  • The role of different levels of government in the housing sector
  • Policy and legislation in the development and operation of non-profit housing
  • The role of key players in the housing sector in BC
  • The rich diversity of tenants accessing non-profit housing
  • Additional resources available to support their work

Welcome to the Housing Sector! will be ready to launch later this spring in our HousingU platform. Funding for the development of this course was generously provided by SPARC BC’s Homelessness Community Action Grants.

Keep an eye out for our course launch date! In the meantime, if you are new to the non-profit housing sector, we suggest registering for our “I’m New, What Do I Do?” webinar on April 13, 2021.

For more information about the course, please contact

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