Challenges at the board level often can be tied to the organization’s ambiguous vision and mandate, as well as confusion around the roles and responsibilities of board members, and the relationship between the board and organization leader. Further, the frequent lack of succession planning creates an unsure future for all involved. Improving clarity can eliminate general dysfunction, director conflict, issues around succession planning and improve director/board relationship and organizational performance .Join this interactive session to get your board operating at its best and support your organization in a productive way!
What you will learn:
- Identify three primary methods of board governance
- Explore board, ED & staff relationships
- Examine the use and creation of committees
- Recognize the need for and components of a board member manual
- Learn about onboarding new board members
- Understand the need for having difficult conversations
- Review critical components of mission success
Who should attend:
- Board members and Leadership

Frank Atnikov, CIM
Frank Growth Solutions
I have 30 plus years of experience helping organizations grow and thrive. As a Certified Facilitator and holder of a Canadian Institute of Management designation, I value collaboration, inclusion, engagement, and honesty in the work I do.
You’ll find me working in community based spaces with a democratic and engaging style. I have a collaborative approach and deliver practical and engaging workshops, retreats and other group work. I love seeing individuals and groups coming together in ways that produce consensual outcomes, enabling projects to move forward with renewed energy and engagement.
Whether it’s functional strategic planning, board governance training, social enterprise development or helping with business plans & feasibility studies, I’ll help you bridge the gap between business best practice and the greater good.
My passion is to help you build a sustainable mission-driven nonprofit that creates a better future for your community.
Let’s see what we can do together!
Lisa Mort-Putland, B.A, M.P.A
Executive Director
Volunteer Victoria