Self-Directed Module
Harm Reduction | 2025
Understand the practices and policies that relate to substance use.
RegisterHUB Cycling’s Research and Bike Friendly Building team is inviting BCNPHA’s members to join a Lunch and Learn overviewing the following:
HUB Cycling™s Research projects:
o Not Just Bike Racks: Developer perspectives / barriers regarding building design for cycling.
o Cycling and Older Buildings: Dynamics and recommendations regarding access to cycling for users of older buildings.
o Cycling Toward Equity: Review of Metro Vancouver’s cycling infrastructure identifying areas of inequity, and recommendations for improving access to quality cycling infrastructure.
o State of Cycling Bike Route Network Benchmarking #1 & #2: GIS mapping and assessing of Metro Vancouver’s cycle route network.
HUB Cycling™s specialized Bike Friendly Building assessment, consulting and certification service, and clients and projects the program has already advised.
Property developers and building managers
Timothy Welsh, Director of Program Development
HUB Cycling
Timothy joined the HUB Cycling team in 2013. Prior to 2013, Timothy’s work in refugee and immigrant resettlement included developing and delivering a range of direct services, and playing a central facilitative role between service providers and government funders in the expansion and professionalization of the BC settlement services sector. As HUB Cycling’s Director of Program Development, Timothy works with the HUB Cycling team to build the strength and reach of existing education and events programming, and develops new programs which support HUB Cycling’s mandate including Research, Bike Friendly Buildings and Newcomer Bike Mentorship.
Tim Davidson, Planning Technician
HUB Cycling
Tim comes to HUB from the private sector, where he worked as a planner delivering Active Transportation projects across Canada. He holds a Masters’ of Planning from Dalhousie University where he worked on projects incorporating complete streets, neighbourhood and regional planning, and public engagement. He also has completed a Bachelors™ degree in Geography, and a post graduate certificate in Urban Design. Tim has completed major, regional GIS / mapping projects for HUB Cycling, and is HUB’s techical lead for Bike Friendly Building consulting.
February 21, 2024
12:00pm - 1:15pm PST
Member Cost: