Recruitment for People With Lived Experience for Mental Health Commission project on mental health crisis and interventions involving and not involving police

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), is working on new rapid scoping project focusing on mental health crisis interventions involving and not involving police. They are currently seeking people with lived or living experience who would be willing to participate in a one-hour key informant interview on mental health crisis interventions. Specifically they are seeking people who could provide a “service user” perspective (i.e. someone who may have experience receiving crisis intervention from a police or non-police crisis intervention program). Honoraria of $100 will be provided to participants for their time.

The contact at the MHCC is Marya Jaleel

Marya Jaleel mjaleel@mentalhealthcommission.ca

Program Manager, Mental Health Advancement / Gestionnaire de programme, Promotion de la santé mentale
Mental Health Commission of Canada / Commission de la santeì mentale du Canada
350 Albert Street, Suite 1210 / 350, rue Albert, bureau 1210 / Ottawa, ON Canada K1R 1A4
T: 613-314-4459

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